(no subject) Draft
Joseph Kerris-Edison <joeke@gmail.com>
to me
I regret to inform you that effective immediately, I will be handing in my resignation as Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Boston University. Ever since joining Boston University in 2003, I have been accepted as a part of the BU family, and have made a lot of friends during my time as a professor. There have been ups and downs, but through the last fourteen years I have gained respect for all my fellow professors and staff members. Unfortunately, situations beyond my control in the past year have forced my hand, and I can no longer give the proper amount of time and dedication to the profession that I once loved.

[The email is deleted at this point, and started over.]

The past few weeks have been trying, and unfortunately I have reached a decision that I need to hand in my resignation at Boston University. Spending the last 14 years at the University has taught me the value of education, and most importantly, a better outlook on life. Given some personal issues that have arisen as of late, I feel as though it is best for me to step away from Boston University and focus on what is good in my

[The email is deleted at this point, and started over. Again.]

Last month, my 'evil' side apparently tried to murder my girlfriend and then let her kill me, only I have healing and I didn't quite die. Because I am apparently immortal now, which fucks up any other plan I have of solving this problem. Also I'm tired of dealing with selfish people in my life and I'm going to go crazy if anyone else tries to tell me what the fuck to do and how their fucking lives and issues are far more important than

[The email is deleted for a third time.]

If there was any other way to end this, I would. But nothing works and nothing I do sticks and I keep healing and I

[Email is deleted again.]

I'm going crazy. I'm losing everything. People are drifting away. I'm drifting away. Those who said they would be a friend, to stay, have gone against their word because I scare them. The ones that stay around...are too foolish to realize they're not safe. No one is safe. I'm not safe.

[Once more, the email is deleted. There is a longer period of time now between the draft being edited and the other random thoughts he had been writing down.]

There comes a time in your life where you need to really think about the man that you are, and the man that you want to be. When those two thoughts match up, it makes for a happier co-existence. When it doesn't, it means that you need to do some evaluation of your life, and see where everything falls into place. I am at the point in my life where I need to do some evaluation. This also means that I will be handing in my resignation from Boston University, effective immediately.

These last fourteen years have been eyeopening, and have taught me far more than I can ever express in a short letter. Please note that if it was not for personal issues forcing my hand, I Would have liked to stay for another fourteen years, teaching and helping students and fellow staff members alike. My time here has been amazing, and I know that I will remember it for the rest of my life.

Thank you for

[The email stops and then is completely deleted.]